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The frantic beats had me shuddering in delight, my body trembling on the bed.“Well, Ms. Royal effective immediately, you are being terminated.I blinked as Officer Lassiter was standing before me. He was on the other side of the interrogation table from the other cop, naked, his body all hard muscles.I moved my first finger on the clit but it was dry, as I expected.“This one should do it, but I think we might want to try it first in case the lock has been changed.” We spent the rest of the day laying plans for an ambush.She pretended to be annoyed.“She sure enjoyed taking my punishment.” Brock replied from his whiskey bottle in the corner.You should still let us screw I think it is my due.Basement."How about us doing some chores?He scooped some of Adrian cum from my ass, then he mounted on top of me and pushed his lips on mine.“We can be on the peak in minutes on this,” I suggest, indicating the board.Like, twice a day frequent.But let's wait and see how I do on the quiz,
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